Thursday, February 27, 2014

Midi's Are Here to Stay!

From midi rings to midi skirts, it's clear this trend is here to stay! I've been seeing midi skirts all over the place-- blogs, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc. And I love it. It modernizes what I think of as a very romantic trend. If you ask me, midi skirts are classy and elegant, two of my favorite things! So can you blame me if it's at the top of my list of things to get? 

Don't they just take you back to the poodle skirts of the 50s? They're a little less corny of course. The thing I love about trends is that they always come full circle. What we make fun of our grandmothers wearing, well look at us now... We're wearing essentially the same thing! Just with our own little twist. The 1940s-1960s were my favorite decades; I love how simple and put together everything seemed. The clothes, the style, the attitudes, there's a certain kind of glamour to it. And want to know something else? I think this may be my favorite trend to come from the 2010s yet.

Hearts in her notebook, daydreams, and twirling her hair...

She's Got the Love Bug and She's Got It Bad

So, here's the real question. Will you be trying this out come spring? Because I definitely will!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The One Thing Every Girl Needs

Did you ever see Blair and Serena without their handy sidekicks? I'm talking bags ladies. And I'm thinking spring! It's no surprise that I'm obsessed with Gossip Girl, and I was just as obsessed with the fashion. If there's anything I firmly believe in investing in, it's bags. Well, bags and shoes. My weakness for shoes outweighs my love for bags, but either way, I spend a lot of money on the two.

I tend to gravitate towards larger bags, just because between classes and work and everything it's more convenient. Having all my must-haves in one place is extremely handy and plus, I kind of just love big bags. But when the warmer weather comes around and classes aren't in full swing, bags tend to become more of an accessory than a necessity. Anyone else with me here? Sometimes a cute bag is the cherry on top of an adorable outfit!

A Bag is An Investment

Still lusting over this bag... And I adore this color!

Perfect for a night out, no?

I love, love, love this bag. In every color. Rebecca Minkoff nailed it.

When I'm running errands, I tend to like functional bags more than I like cute bags. And that's mostly because on days I'm running errands I care far less about what I look like than I do on a day to day basis. But this bag's a nice touch, and I love the gray!

The only excuse I have for this one is that I love Kate Spade. And I love pink.

I always forget how much I love Calvin Klein. This bag is so simple but adorable. I love it in white too!

Seems like the perfect beach bag, doesn't it?

Just the fact that there's a bow and "ooh la la" is in it's name is good enough reason to love this bag for me.

It's the perfect shade of blue.

Spring, come faster!

A new season calls for a new bag, right? I can't wait for the sunshine, it seems like everything is better when it's warm and sunny! And everything is especially better when a new bag is involved... Have your eye on anything?


Monday, February 24, 2014

Actions Speak Louder than Words

When I'm getting ready to write these posts, I often turn to the quotes page on Pinterest. If I'm being honest, as of late I've been lacking some serious inspiration when it comes to writing. I'm not sure why but I just haven't been feeling like myself lately. I think I'm longing so much for spring that it's become this constant gray cloud hanging over my head.

I've also been questioning my actions more lately, more so than I usually do. And I've kind of been finding, less is more. Say what you need to say, if it really needs to be said, and if it's going to help you to feel better. But if it's not going to help you to feel better or resolve a problem, then must you really say it?

In high school, and even in the past few years, I've been really good at speaking my mind. I've made a huge effort to be honest with myself, my family, and my friends.

Lately though, I've been thinking. What if there's a point where honesty is no longer beneficial? I know it all depends on the situation. Not every case is the same. The older I've gotten though, the more I've found that actions really do speak louder than words.

People pick up on hints. People pick up on when you're ready to move on. I think we've all had friendships, relationships, and even jobs that have run their course. But when you're done, when you've reached your limit? You don't just scream out loud, "I'm done! I quit! I'm moving on!" Or at least you should try your hardest not to. (Granted, it's completely acceptable to go home and jam out to this song #noshame

There's no point in having a huge argument over nothing and ending a friendship that could have ended gracefully in such a sour manner. There's no point in hurting someone who you once loved simply because that would make ending a broken relationship much easier. There's actually no point in dramatically quitting the job you absolutely hate (recommendations, hello?!).

Make your exit with grace. Carry yourself with grace. If you do this, they'll never have anything bad to say about you. Or if they do, it will only reflect poorly on them-- not you.

I've also found as I've grown older that a lot of people will doubt you. Not as much as you doubt yourself of course, but they'll doubt you nonetheless. When you're younger, you feel like you have to make it known to everyone who questions you just what you think of them and just how wrong they are about you. Don't waste your breath. They're doubting you for a very specific reason--and that's because they doubt themselves ten times more than they doubt you.

The best way to show these people up is to act. Do not raise your voice, do not say things you will regret. Smile and laugh, act as if your life is amazing (even if it isn't). Self-curation is completely 100% appropriate. Fake it until you make it, right? Even if you do find yourself in doubt, show yourself and prove to yourself that whatever it is you wish to do, you can do. Don't make promises, because sometimes you will fail. But everything will come full circle. Fool your doubters into thinking they were wrong. And in doing so, you might just fool yourself in the process.


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bring On the Rain!

Wendy's Lookbook
After weeks and weeks of below freezing temperatures, even a hint of 40 degrees felt like summer. I can't remember the last time I could see my driveway sans ice/snow/slush! This week, it actually rained. And while I'm craving summer and warmer temperatures, I can easily say I've never been so happy to have some rain in the forecast!

But where there's rain (mixed in with snow, ice, and slush) comes the sloshy mess that those of us up north know as mud season. The time of year where the sky is consistently gray, rain falls day to day, and snow turns to slush and then to mud. Not the best kind of weather for breaking out the cute flats. And not exactly shorts weather yet (sigh). 

This winter more than ever, my Hunter boots have been lifesavers. But as I've prepared for the damper months ahead, I've had my eye on a few other adorable pairs of rain boots!

Rain, Rain, Time to Play...

I know I already have a pair.... And while I adore them, sometimes the knee-height boots are a bit too heavy on days when I just want to be comfy. I've been eyeing this short version for quite some time now. They're adorable in this color too!

Splash in Puddles...

Tory Burch's take on the Bean boot is oh so adorable, and definitely a pair of boots worth investing in. Not to mention I have a soft spot for quilted pieces.

and Dance in the Rain...

I love, love, love Burberry and while I haven't yet been able to justify such a splurge, these boots are incredibly chic and have received amazing reviews from customers!

Just Waste, Waste, Waste Away the Day

In all seriousness though, I just recently discovered Joules and I'm in wellington heaven. Seriously can you get any cuter than polka dots and beagle prints?

Good grief. They went nautical on me.

Oh. They got me. How perfect are these with a bow?

Now that I'm officially conflicted as to which pair of boots to buy, I hope your weekends are all treating you well! The past week was insanity and I was completely not prepared enough to keep up with posting. I swear I'm getting back on track this week! In the meantime, which pair of rain boots would you go for? Help a girl out and let me know in the comments below!

And if you feel like being extra friendly today...

I would LOVE if you'd keep up with Class and Sass on Facebook or Bloglovin!

Happy Sunday lovelies.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kiss Dry Skin Good-bye!

I don't know about you, but the dry, cold winter air takes a serious toll on my skin. I'm a moisturizer junkie, and even I fail to beat the dry skin that inevitably comes along with freezing winter temperatures.

I have a bit of an obsession with trying out different face products. My acne hasn't ever been super horrible or anything, but I do have a fair amount of scarring on my chin from picking one too many pimples when I was younger. Gross I know, but going to school with a red bump on my face that I could attempt to cover up with some make-up seemed like a much better option than going to school with a giant white-cap. Anyone else feel the same way??

So, in my years and years of trying to nail down the perfect skin care routine, I've finally come across a few products that I swear by year-round. That being said, these products are also amazing during the winter months. They keep my skin moisturized and my complexion on point; unless I'm exhausted, I rarely feel that my skin looks dried out and/or dull!

Moisturizer's a Girl's Best Friend

I love, love, love this cream from Shisheido. I use it every morning after I wash my face and my skin is feels amazing all day long. It kind of feels a little sticky when you first put it on, but after a few minutes it's fine! I attribute it to the fact that it has SPF in it, which is just another added bonus. Definitely worth the $$!

I love Clinique. This is another product I like to use, but only at night and only if my skin is looking like it needs a little extra moisture. It absorbs quickly but too much on my skin just leaves it looking greasy-- hence why I only use it at night. By the time I wake up in the morning, my skin is back in good shape!

Want to know what's great about this product? You can use it on practically anything. I lather it on my damp hair after I get out of the shower, and if necessary, on my face too. I was super apprehensive about using it on my face at first, but oh my, do I love this stuff.

I recently discovered Lush this summer when I was in London. Figures I didn't know it existed until I was 19 years old. #smallstateproblems I should probably use this stuff more often. When I do use it, it's after I use the ocean salt scrub from Lush (which I only use when I literally feel like a layer of skin needs to be peeled off.) There's no better moisturizer to follow that scrub if you ask me!

Acne Be Gone!

I refuse to ever stop using this stuff. When my skin is breaking out (particularly around that time of the month), this moisturizer is my best friend. The first time I put it on my face freshman year of college, it felt like it had set my face on fire. A little concerning, but it left no burns or marks! I have extremely sensitive skin, so I don't mess around when it comes to clearing up acne. I'll never leave this product.

And as for a spot treatment? The only acne spot treatment to never irritate my face has been this one. The best thing about it is that it actually works! I can't tell you how happy I was to find a spot treatment that actually reduced my pimples, instead of just burn them off. There's nothing fun about having a red rash on your face from an acne treatment that was too intensive, so ladies, if you have sensitive skin, this product is for you!

Don't Forget to Wash & Exfoliate

This is my go-to cleanser in the morning! I love how gentle Aveeno is, and the clear complexion aspect is just a plus. Not only does it wake me up for the day, but it helps get my skin ready for the day!

Another staple of mine, I use this almost every night. I know they say you're not supposed to exfoliate every night... But I do it anyways. This isn't an intensive exfoliating scrub, like the Aveeno cleanser, it's pretty gentle. At the end of the day, it does a great job of getting all that gunk off my face!

I'll admit it. When I first went to buy this scrub it was solely because I was desperately attempting to clear up a bad case of acne (my chin, the problem area of all problem areas...) this past summer. Between walking all around Europe in the dead of July, the sweat and the constantly changing water compositions, my skin was having a hard time. And on top of all that, my anxiety-ridden self was stressed out 99% of the time so that didn't help all that much either. It didn't help with the acne, but I love this stuff nonetheless. I found as the year went on that it's perfect for scrubbing off some dry skin. And not just on your face! Think elbows, knees, and probably anywhere else that needs some extra love.

So now you understand my shopping problem...

It goes way beyond clothes. I love beauty products, skin products, hair products, etc. At least I admit I have a problem. While I know some of these items may be a bit of a splurge, they're well worth the extra money. And if you make good use of them, they last quite a while!


Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday Inspiration: The Most Important Relationship You'll Ever Be In

Photo via Inslee
I will quote Carrie Bradshaw until the day I die. In all honesty, I think she's one of the smartest people on the planet. Fictional character though she may be, she had a ton of amazing advice for girls the world over!

"The most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well that's just fabulous."

Now I've never had a serious relationship. What I've learned about guys has come from very short "flings" and one major crush. I've experienced immense heartbreak, just not at the hand of a guy (yet, anyways.) Truthfully, I think half the reason I've never been able to commit to someone is because I've spent so much time learning to love myself first.

A lot of "grown-ups" would say this is a good thing, that you have to love yourself first before you can fully commit to anyone. And I think they're right, but I also think that you have to go through good and bad relationships to learn more about yourself. I suppose that's where I fall short.

Love You, For You

It's kind of a funny thing because all my friends who are in relationships will turn to me for advice on what to do when they're having issues with their significant other. I have no idea why. I'm the most emotionally reserved person I know, I could literally go years without telling someone what's really on my mind. As a matter of fact, I have. And it sucked. I pride myself on knowing myself so well and on having taken the time to learn how to love myself, but in the process I made a lot of people my punching bags.

I think because I spent so much time focusing on myself I really missed some opportunities for good relationships. I'm extremely good at being selfish, to the point of it being my major downfall. But this is where I've looked to my friends. The girls who have been able to give themselves to someone completely; the girls who have put their hearts on what I would refer to as the chopping block.

They're the bravest girls I know.

A lot of my girlfriends have gone down many different paths. Some have chosen to weather the storm and work for their long-distance relationship, for others it hasn't worked out so well. Some have had their hearts broken on roller coaster romances that have lasted for years and years, and others are just finally settling into what looks like a promising relationship. I admire them. I see their strengths and how they've grown as they've come to recognize themselves as not an "I", but a "we." But being on the outside looking in has it's faults too.

While these girls are some of the most selfless people I know, selflessness can be both a blessing and a curse. I think a lot of people can lose themselves in their relationship. Men and women alike! And I'm not saying that any of my friends have. At least not from what I've noticed. But what worries me, is that if I were to enter into a relationship, if "I" were to become a "we", who would I be anymore?

I've heard of multiple girls that are my age who have become so lost in the process of looking for someone to make them happy. Their loneliness guides them to men who have no idea who they actually are, or worse, to men who just... don't care. There's nothing people fear more than being lonely. People tend to confuse relationships with completion rather than companionship.

The only relationship that's going to complete you though, is the relationship you have with yourself. I've seen girls say, "Well my boyfriend really likes this dress so I'm going to wear this one instead." Wear whatever freaking dress you want! It's great that you want to impress your boyfriend, but if you don't feel your 100% absolute best in the dress that he loves, then is it really the perfect fit?

It's so easy-- so so easy, to let the idea of love fuel the need to fill whatever void it is that your heart is nursing. But the idea of love isn't going to be the thing that completes you. Falling in love with the perfect man isn't going to be the thing that completes you. Falling in love with yourself though? Loving every single aspect of yourself? Flaws and all, without apology? That's going to be the thing that makes you whole in the end. 

The relationship you have with yourself is the hardest one you'll ever have, but it's also the most rewarding. Pushing yourself to expand your horizons, challenge your limits, and question your beliefs is what builds character. The fact that you get so incredibly worked up over sports events, or that you can't go to bed without the kitchen clean is what makes you you. And somebody is going to love those aspects of you one day SO much they won't know what to do with themselves. But they're never going to be able to love you as you are, if you don't love yourself first.

Love yourself. Be yourself. Challenge yourself. And when all else fails, imagine yourself as Blair. Because really, what girl loves herself more than fabulous Blair Waldorf?


Friday, February 14, 2014

Weekly Wonders: Favorite TV Couples

First things first. Happy Valentine's Day lovelies! I hope your day is filled with love and warmth and happiness! And not too much snow... But we won't think about that right now.

Anyways, we all have our favorite television shows, right? Some we are borderline (if not completely...) obsessed with. For me, my favorite shows are all based around stories with one thing in common. A love story.

Blair and Chuck (duh), Rachel and Ross (again, duh), Mindy and Danny. The list goes on and on. I watch a lot of TV.

The point is, the reason I love shows with a romantic aspect to them is because the plot lines these love stories follow are the most whimsical, magical, extraordinary things. Call me a fool, but I think we all deserve that kind of love!

All You Need is Love

Ross & Rachel, Friends

Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big, Sex and the City

Luke & Lorelai, Gilmore Girls

(Note: I'm still bitter about the way this show ended.)

Danny and Mindy, The Mindy Project

Mary and Francis, Reign

Mary and Bash, Reign

I couldn't choose! This show's too good! Completely and totally historically inaccurate but amazing nonetheless.

Aria & Ezra, Pretty Little Liars

I'm still holding out hope. #judgeme

And my all time favorite...

Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl

Don't judge me for my extremely poor taste in television. I love all of these shows dearly, and in my defense I developed an obsession for most of them at like, 14 years old. If you're celebrating today with a special someone, have a blast! My best friend and I will be watching movies, snacking on cookies, and drinking some wine. Which sounds just perfect to me!

Happy Valentine's Day!
