Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sundays in Bed

Happy Sunday everyone! Last week completely caught me off guard, it was a little crazy busy. I made it through though, thank God. You know those weeks where you don't think you have a lot to do and then all of a sudden it's like everything school-wise/internship-wise/life-wise just sneaks up on you? They aren't necessarily my favorite, but hey, they happen, right?

And to think, only 23 more days of classes now (yes, including weekends)! I'm so pleased I could cry. But it's not like I'm counting down until summer or anything... it's just hard to believe it's so close! And with only one final, once April 30th hits I'm pretty much home free.

Sit Back with a Cup o' Joe

1. I read this at work the other night, and ask my co-worker, but I was laughing so hard I was crying. As someone who likes to run, I can relate to this post so much. It reminded me I need to start running again.... Whoops.

2. Buzzfeed was killing it this week. How Jennifer Lawrence are you? Because apparently we'd be best friends.

3. If you haven't seen this yet, it's hysterical. Props to these four year olds. 

4. One of my most popular posts ever. I'm so proud of this one, and thank you so much for the support. If you missed it, check it out here!

5. Currently craving, the most comfortable underwear out there. #gocommando

6. I'm a Disney head. How Disney are you? Again, Buzzfeed was killing it this week!

7. Have you seen this commercial from Evian? Perfection.

8. How men would react to sexist remarks. This woman is a genius. Not to mention you get quite a few laughs!

9. The students at the high school I graduated from made a lip sync to Pharrell's "Happy" for our principal. He was recently diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and we all wish him the best with his treatment and recovery!

Enjoy your Sunday everybody!

I'll be writing my last paper of the semester...


1 comment:

Rachael Miller said...

Love love love this!